Wiki Home Troubleshoots Prevent from spreading ransomware virus
Prevent from spreading ransomware virus
2020/07/23 01:49
Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki
Ransomware virus “AKA” wannacry
Ransomware virus are spreading all over the world even you user may be a victim of this virus,
Kaspersky antivirus made a tool to prevent it from spreading Click here to download
Step for installing kaspersky anti wannacry
1.Install kaspersky check then click “next” (Figure 1),

3. Type your report sender’s email, SMTP server and port, then Authentication required click “next” (Figure 3).

5. After successfully install check “run kaspersky anti-ransomeware tool for buisiness” click finish (Figure 5).

6. Your computer is now protected from attack of ransomware virus (Figure 6).

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