Generally, Diskless works in a very simple way as shown on the picture below. There will be a set of CCBoot Servers, labeled as CCBoot Main Diskless Server and CCBoot Backup Server/Café Timer/Print Server/Client PC Documents Data Storage. These 2 servers will be connected to a Switch where all the Client PCs/Workstations are connected to.

When switching on a PC or a Workstation, the PC/Workstation will boot from CCBoot Diskless Servers through the network instead of a hard disk. In short, all the data reading and writing will be performed on the servers. Logically, this may make you think "Won't this be slower?" Worry not because CCBoot Diskless utilizes an enhanced driver transmission protocol which guarantees that the PCs/Workstations are performing at an incomparable speed. A set of (2) servers are recommended to run only a total amount of 100 PCs or lesser.

Disadvantages of using "Hard Disk"

Investment for hard disk and future upgrades

Frequent hard disk failure / replacement due to "Cloning" & pressing "Reset" button

Hard to troubleshoot / maintain / update different specification PCs

Programs / Applications / Games / Windows Update to every PCs

Requires more staff

High maintenance cost

Consume more power with hard disk

Requires better air conditioning due to hard disk generating heat

Recovery software / hardware are required to protect Windows / Files)

Backup / cloning software and other update software are required

Virus attacks and Virus removal need to be troubleshoot for all PC

Hard Disk Cloning + Game Update + HDD Future Upgrades + Hard Disk Failure = Head Ache

Advantages of using CCBoot Diskless in Cybercafé

No hard disk required

No such problem

Easy to troubleshoot / maintain / update different specification PCs

Programs / Applications / Games / Windows Update to only a single PC

Requires less staff

Low maintenance cost

Consume fewer power without hard disk, go Green!

No hard disk, no heat generated

Recovery software / hardware not needed

Backup / cloning software and other update software not needed

Virus attacks and Virus removal can be troubleshoot on only 1 PC

Save on maintenance cost

Save on HDD future upgrades

Save on buying Antivirus and OS Rollback system.

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