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Install Fortnite on CCBoot Server

2018/12/14 19:53

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

Register and Download “Epic game launcher” on their website.


At Server:

1. Download Epic Installer from the Epic Website and then Download our EpicGamesInstallerAndFixer.7z file and extract it to same folder (Figure 1).

Note: password for the file is -  epicgames


Figure 1


2. Rename the installer for Epic Games to “EpicInstaller” then double click the “Epic Installer.exe” (Figure 2).


Figure 2


3. It will create the required folders and link for Epic Games and run the setup file, click “Install” button to continue (Figure 3).


Figure 4


5. Let the installation finish (Figure 5).




Figure 5


6. Login to "Epic Games" with your account (Figure 6).


Epic Launcher

Figure 6


7. Click "Install" button on the Fortnite and then click "OK" button to continue (Figure 7).

Note: You do not need to change the installation directory, leave it to default.


Fortnite install

Figure 7


8. Now, the installation starts (Figure 8).


Fortnite Installing

Figure 8


9. Once, the game is finished installation, it will show "Launch" in "Fortnite" game (Figure 9).


Fornite installed

Figure 9


10. Now, sign out and exit the "Epic Games" launcher.



At client:

11. Now, for CCBoot client, boot one of your client PC as super client and run the "Epic Game Client fixer.exe" from same location on the game disk (Figure 9).

Figure 10

12. The process takes few seconds and it will run Epic Games Launcher.

13. You can login and play the game without it showing “Install” on client PC.



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