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Avoid Network Disconnection

2018/07/25 18:59

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki


My network disconnects intermittently. I suspect it is because of the network auto sleep. I enabled super client to disable auto sleep and power save, but after I restarted the client, it reverted back to the old settings.


1) Diskless boot one client PC with super client.

2) Disable the "Power Options" in the network properties. For details, please refer to "Client Power Options Optimization".

3) Run CCBoot PNP tool. Click "Collect Local NIC", and then click "Merge Collected NIC".

4) Shutdown the client PC, and then disable super client on CCBoot server.

Note: If the network disconnected after computers worked for a while, it may be related to the DHCP service in the router. Please disable other DHCP service on the LAN, especially the DHCP service in the router.

Note: If you are experiencing random network disconnection and also have "Network disconnection" in Event log, then change the NIC properties and only disable "Flow Control" leave other settings as it is.

Thanks for Reyno Lee reported this problem.
