Wiki Home 3rd Party DHCP and TFTP Use pfsense as 3rd party DHCP

Use pfsense as 3rd party DHCP

2018/01/24 20:21

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

1. Install pfsense on one of you computer or on a VMware. Once installed, configure it so you can access it from your LAN computer (Figure 1).


Figure 1

2. On your server computer, open a browser and enter the IP address for pfsense and press enter (Figure 2).

pfsense web portal

Figure 2

3. Once you get the pfsense web management interface, login to pfsense using your credentials (Figure 3)

pfsense login

Figure 3

4. Click the "Services" dropdown and click it, choose "DHCP server" (Figure 4).

dhcp server

Figure 4

5. Now, set the DHCP range, DNS servers and the Gateway for your clients and then click "Save" button at the bottom (Figure 5).

DHCP range, dns, gateway

Figure 5

6. Go to CCBoot, open "Option" windows, then on "DHCP", click "Using 3rd Party DHCP" option then click "OK" button (Figure 6).

CCBoot using 3rd party DHCP

Figure 6

7. Now, boot your clients t,hey will take DHCP IP from pfsense and be listed in CCBoot "Client Manager" (Figure 7).

client booting

Figure 7

8. Check the assigned IP from pfsense in the DHCP leases (Figure 8).

dhcp lease

Figure 8

Note: If pfSense stops working after updating to new version CCBoot from previous version 3.0, then downgrade CCBoot to older version or use newer version of pfSense.


CCBoot with pfsense 3rd Party DHCP

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