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Game Disk RAID 0 setup

2017/08/30 00:51

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

Game disks require quite a bit of read speed and we can achieve this by setting up two hard disks in RAID 0 configuration in the Windows Operating System. There is no need to use raid cards, software raid from disk management is enough. Here is how we can do it.

1. Open "Disk Management", type "diskmgmt.msc" in start menu and click the first option in search result (Figure 1).

Disk Management

Figure 1

2. Right click, one of the disk and choose "New Striped Volume..." (Figure 2).

Striped disk

Figure 2

3. On the "New Striped Volume" wizard, click "Next" button to continue (Figure 3).


Figure 3

4. Click the disk in the "Available" box and click "Add >" button (Figure 4).

Available disks

Figure 4

5. Once the disk appears on the "Selected:" box, click "Next" button (Figure 5).

Disk selection

Figure 5

6. Click "Next" button again to continue (Figure 6).


Figure 6

7. Now, choose "32K" in the "Allocation unit size" drop down and click "Next" button (Figure 7).

allocation size

Figure 7

8. Click "Next" button again to start the strip (RAID) volume creation (Figure 8).

Finish raid

Figure 8

9. It will ask you if you want to change the disks to dynamic disk, click "Yes" to continue (Figure 9).

Dynamic disk

Figure 9

10. Finally, your disks are in RAID 0 setup (Figure 10).

Raided Disk

Figure 10


CCBoot support ReFS disks