Wiki Home Game Issues How to fix reconnect issue for steam games
How to fix reconnect issue for steam games
2019/10/28 05:00
Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki
Sometime for unknown reasons steam games may crash or your client PC reboots and if the user is in game then he/she gets disconnected, and when trying to reconnect they are unable to reconnect. Here is how you can fix this.
1. In CCBoot new version, open the CCBoot.ini files (Figure 1)
Figure 1
2. Under the [config] line add "SetMkLink=1" (Figure 2)
Figure 2
3. Once you have entered the line save the CCBoot.ini file and then restart the CCBoot service.
a. Stop CCBoot service (Figure 3)
Figure 3
b. Start CCBoot service (Figure 4)
Figure 4
4. Now, turn on your client and login to your steam account.
What this function does and how to check if its working.
a. The function creates a folder called "Steam" or "SteamData" on last versions in writeback disk (Figure 5).
Note: Make sure if this folder is shared and it is accessible from client PCs.
Figure 5
b. When you login to steam account on one of the client, CCBoot will create a folder under the client PC's name and store the logged in account data (Figure 6).
Figure 6
c. The data include the steam id, most recent played games settings and server connection information (Figure 7).
Figure 7
d. Since the data has server connection information, when you try to reconnect your connection will be successful
To check if the function is working on not, check for "Steam" folder in one of your writeback disk and more folders inside it.
If the steam folder is not inside the writeback disk then please try restart the server once.
Note: In case if you want disable this feature, open CCBoot.ini and add under the [config] line "SetMkLink=1" or delete this line.
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