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Client BSOD solutions

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BSOD errors and solutions based on the error code

  1. Stoppage Information (Figure 1)
    "***STOP:0x000000C2 (0x00000007,00000CD4,0x2FC0031,0x816D7828)

Figure 1

  1. The errors are divided into three parts:
    a.Halt code (Sign [1]), we call it "blue screen code", which is used for distinguishing existing error types.
    b.The second part (Sign [2]) is the 4 number groups included within the brackets, which is the data defined by development staff.
    c.The third part (Sign [3]) is the name of error, the specific file name of the driver program will be shown in some conditions.
  2. We usually use blue screen code and name of error as search terms in Google to find the relevant solutions.
    ***Stop 0x000000EA
  3. Cause
    A device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for hardware to become idle.
    This usually indicates a problem with the hardware itself, or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Frequently, this is the result of a bad video card or a bad display driver. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. Solutions:
    Download the Super Image from our forum site, You can choose your preferred OS.
    b.Apply the method
     CCBoot Hardware Profile this could solve the problem about BSOD 0x000000EA
