Wiki Home Installation MSI with UEFI SECURE BOOT


diskless, boot, msi, uefi, secure boot

The following provides detailed steps for configuring UEFI secure boot on MSI motherboards, including importing the Youngzsoft certificate and setting secure boot options.

  1. Before starting to configure the BIOS, prepare the USB for Secure Boot.
  2. Access the BIOS settings and navigate to the boot page. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Set secure boot as windows UEFI mode (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. Next on the secure boot page at KEY management import the Youngzsoft.cer from the usb prepare earlier, in DB Management. (Figure 3)
    (*DBX is black list of secure boot key, DO NOT IMPORT ON DBX)

Figure 3

  1. When you choose DB Management, it will prompt you to select the input file format. Choose 'Public Key Certificate'. (Figure 4)

Figure 4

  1. When prompted to append key, click 'No' to continue from USB drive.(Figure 5)

Figure 5

  1. Select the USB and next will show the Youngzsoft.cer on the list click on it. (Figure 6)

Figure 6

  1. Once you done save the changes of BIOS and go back to create boot image
  2. Once the image is ready on iCafeCloud admin panel in Boot section , edit the client PC and select secureboot in PXE field. (Figure 7)

Figure 7

  1. In case the Append key failed remove the mouse USB and use only keyboard or follow the steps below (Figure 8)

Figure 8

  1. Here is how you update bios and get the secure boot to work
    Step 1 - Ensure that you update the BIOS to the latest version.
    Step 2 - After the BIOS update is complete, reboot your system.
    Step 3 - Unplug the flash drive
    Step 4 - Navigate to the BIOS settings and choose either IEXPO or XMP Profile 1 (Figure 9)
    Step 5 - Reboot your system to apply the selected profile.
    Step 6 -  Load back into the BIOS, go to the Security tab, and follow the steps outlined in the wiki..
    Use only the keyboard and unplug the mouse for this to work !!

Figure 9
