Wiki Home Performance Optimization Client Windows 8 System Optimization

Client Windows 8 System Optimization

2014/09/28 18:09

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

1. UAC Optimization

Run -> msconfig -> Tools -> Change UAC Settings -> Launch -> Never notify

2. Page File Optimization

Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Settings -> Advanced -> Change -> Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size of all drives" ->

System managed size -> Set -> OK

3. System Protection Optimization

Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> System Protection -> Configure -> Disable system protection -> Delete

4. Windows Defender Optimization

Ctrl + F -> Apps -> defender -> Settings -> Real-time protection-> Uncheck "Turn on real-time protection" -> Administrator -> Uncheck "Turn on Windows Defender"

5. Network Adapter Optimization

Computer -> Manage -> Device Manager -> Network adapters -> Uninstall Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter

6. Network Optimization

Network -> Properties -> Uninstall all but keep "Client for Microsoft Networks", "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks", "IPv6", "IPv4". Uncheck IPv6.

7. Disable Windows Update Service

services.msc -> Windows Update -> Disabled

8. Active Center Optimization

Active center -> change action center settings -> uncheck all

9. Install CCBoot Client


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