Wiki Home Game issues Cannot play Warcraft on local LAN
Cannot play Warcraft on local LAN
warcraft, issue
The following provides solutions to connectivity issues in Warcraft (Dota) on LAN, focusing on reinstalling the game and configuring firewall settings to allow game communication across networked computers.
Warcraft (Dota), is one of the most played LAN games. But sometimes you cannot play the game on LAN.
You are unable to connect to the LAN computer to plan on LAN.
When this happens, you can do two things.
1. Re-install the game, download the latest installer for the Warcraft game and install it.
2. Check your firewall rules, if you have not allowed a Warcraft game in the firewall, then you won't be able to see other computers on LAN hosting the game and other computers won't see your hosted game.
Note: When you launch the game for the first time, it will ask you if you want to allow the game in the firewall. You need to choose to allow it in both "private" and "public" networks. This will solve the issue of not seeing others' games.