Wiki Home Installation Import certificate with usb

Import certificate with usb

diskless, boot, certificate,  uefi, secure boot

The following explains how to import a Youngzsoft certificate from usb without needing to access bios.

  1. Prepare an USB format in FAT32, download Youngzsoftv2.cer (which is a custom certificate created by our company) and add the file to the USB that doesn't include anything else. This certificate is essential for secure boot access.
  2. Plug in the USB on the client PC
  3. Navigate to the Boot page, select the PC you want to boot, then click Edit. Scroll down to the PXE section and choose IPXE.pxe 2025 (UEFI). (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Next, boot the PC. If Secure Boot is enabled, the PXE boot screen may display a blue screen with the error "Verification Failed: Security Violation"
  2. This means that the certificate has not been imported. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. Click OK, and the next page will appear with the MOK Management options:
    Continue Boot
    Enroll Key from Disk = Choose this option to import certificate from USB
    Enroll Hash from Disk (Figure 3)

Figure 3

  1. Enroll the Keys select YES (Figure 4)

Figure 4

  1. Next click continue (Figure 5)

Figure 5

  1. On select keys , locate the YoungzsoftV2.cer and click on it.(Figure 6)

Figure 6

  1. Finally, reboot the computer. (Figure 7)

Figure 7
