Wiki Home Windows boot issues Intel graphics card conflict

Intel graphics card conflict

Intel, graphics, conflict

The following provides instructions on resolving conflicts between different types of Intel graphics cards by modifying driver files to prevent overwriting conflicts during installation or updates, ensuring stable operation across client PCs in CCBootCloud

  1. Extract "pci_ven_8086&dev_0102.rar" file, open the extracted folder, and find the ".inf" file (Figure 1). (Note: Normally, we just need to modify the lower version graphics card's ".sys" and ".inf" files.)

Figure 1

  1. Open the ".inf" file with Notepad, find texts which end with ".sys" (there are three ".sys" texts, they are, "igdkmd64.sys", "ServiceBinary = %12%\igdkmd64.sys" and "igdkmd64.sys") (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. Modify these three ".sys" texts. For example, add "_fix" before ".sys" (Figure 3; Figure 4; Figure 5). Then save this ".inf" file.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

  1. Find "igdkmd64.sys" in the extracted folder, and rename it as "igdkmd64_fix.sys" (Figure 6).

Figure 6

  1. Open the ".inf" file again, find "AddService" (there are four "AddService"), and add "_fix" after "AddService = igfx" (Figure 1-7). Finally, save the ".inf" file.

Figure 7

  1. On the "Device Manage", install the new revised graphics card driver.

Notes: If you have 3 types of vga drivers that conflict with each other, you can modify the first vga drivers as "_fix", and modify the second vga drivers as "_fixa".
