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Save game shaders

save, steam, userdata, shaders

This function ensures that Steam userdata is saved on the server and retained even after a system reboot. It also preserves shaders in games that require them.

  1. This function also aids in reconnecting to games after a PC reboot during a mid-game session, making it beneficial for gamers.
  2. Enable the option to save game shaders on the server, eliminating the need for client PCs to download them every time they start the game.
  3. For this function to work it should be enabled in CCBootCloud only license or even in iCafeCloud license
  4. Install Steam on your game disk, such as D:\Steam or D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam.
  5. Add Steam on Game Fixes  (Without this steps saving doesnt work)
  6. Add Call of Duty on  Game fixes to start saving shaders (Without this steps saving doesnt work)
  7. Ensure that your CCBoot installed disk has at least 100GB of free space
  8. Enable ‘save game shaders”  -  in settings page , games settings .(Figure 1)

Figure 1
