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Steam games corrupted files

corrupted, files, steam

The following helps fix Steam game issues by deleting the ACF file and verifying game files, prompting Steam to apply a small update to restore missing files.

  1. Open Steam: Launch Steam and log in to your account.
  2. Locate the ACF File: Navigate to your Steam installation directory, usually found at:
  3. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\
  4. Find the .acf file for the game you want to fix. This file is named something like appmanifest_123456.acf, where 123456 is the game ID.
  5. Delete the ACF File: Close the game (if running) and delete the corresponding .acf file from the steamapps folder.
  6. Verify Game Files: Go back to Steam, right-click on the game in your library, and select Properties.
  7. Click on the Installed Files tab.
  8. Select Verify integrity of game files.
  9. Let Steam Update the Game: After verifying, Steam will perform a small update to replace the missing files.
  10. Launch the Game: Once the update is complete, you can launch the game normally.