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We provide proxy server software(CCProxy), mail server software(AA Mail Server), diskless booting software(CCBoot) and some other network based softwares(Youngzsoft Products) at Youngzsoft.com and Youngzsoft.net. CCProxy can be used for network Internet sharing & Controlling.CMailServer can be used for Internet & Intranet mail transfer. CCBoot can be used for diskless booting various of Windows OS... They are alldesigned for Win98/WinME/Win2000/WinNT/WinXP/Win2003/Win7/Win2008.

We do NOT collect any personally identifiable information about you such as name, address, phone number, or email address from users of this web site without your knowledge, and are taking measures to protect your privacy.

You can send email requesting help, or join mailing lists to be notified about product upgrades, announcements, and new releases. Your email will NOT be shared in any way with any third party(ies), and will only be used to send replies to your email or messages related to the topic of the mailing list you joined.

When purchasing our product, additional information is needed to fill your order. Any information provided will NOT be sold or given to any third party in any way, and will only be used for sending the Registration Information and the Feedback Form to you via email

In order to further protect your personal information, all order forms are run on a secure server, utilizing powerful encryption technology to safeguard all transactions (credit card/online purchases) from unauthorized viewing. It is used standard SSL(Security Socket Layer) encryption, with a certificate from VeriSign.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Tel: 086-731-85537391
Mon - Fri, 9.00-18.00 (GMT+8.00)
MSN: [email protected]
[email protected]
Submit Your Questions Online
POP Links
New Pricing List of CCBoot 3.0
Preparation for CCBoot
User Manual
How to Install CCBoot Server
How to iSCSI Boot Windows XP
How to iSCSI Boot Windows 7
How to iSCSI Boot Vista
How to Update Image
How to Use Game Disk
How to Update Game Disk
How to Create a Single Image for All Specs
Implement Load Balance and Redundancy
Cache Settings Reference
Classic Case
Russia Cyber Cafe
Thailand Cyber Cafe
A Cyber Cafe in Hebei Province China
A Cyber Cafe in Zhejiang Province China
Vietnam Cyber cafe Diskless Settings