25.5 SuperCache method of installation

  A.) Download SuperCache from http://cn.ccboot.com/download.htm SuperCache5.zip and extract to C: \. This installation package contains: setup.exe, zwt.nfo sscvf.sys, zwt.cer and zwt. ssc_scr2_key a total of five files.

  B.) Click the "Start" -> "run" enter "CMD" run as administrator CMD, enter "bcdedit / set testsigning on." And hit Enter.

  C.) Click the installation file setup.exe to install SuperCache if the installation is complete, you will be prompted to reboot, choose not to restart. Extract the package inside the sscvf.sys files over write the% windir% \ system32 \ drivers \ sscvf.sys.

  D.) Double-click zwt.cer import a digital signature.

  Restart the server, running on the desktop SuperCache management procedures to open the menu "File", select "Licensing," in the pop-up dialog box, click the "Update", select the extracted directory inside the zwt.ssc_scr2_key file, click Apply to Complete the installation.

  E.) In the write-back disk drive, right click, select "Properties", select "SuperCache", click on the "Cache" inside the dialog box, click the "Start", first check the Deferred-Write Mode ", and then "Cache Granularity (page size)" adjusted to 32KB, use the keyboard down key to adjust the "Main Memory Allocation" to a minimum (when the warning dialog, select "No", so the values ​​is the minimum generally between 300-500MB). Shown below. After the parameter adjustment is completed, click "OK" button. Write-back disk J plate set in the same way.

  Related links:

  25.1 Server Hardware

  25.2 Server Bios SATA Configuration

  25.3 Server Operating System

  25.4 Server Hard Disk Allocation

  25.5 SuperCache method of installation

  25.6 Server Network Optimization

  25.6.1 Network Properties

  25.6.2 NIC Properties

  25.6.3 NIC aggregation

  25.7 Server cache settings

  25.7.1 Server read cache settings

  25.7.2 Write-back disk SuperCache cache settings

  25.8 Server’s Virtual Memory Management

  25.9 The client's local cache settings

  25.10 Clients Virtual Memory Management

  25.11 System Restore Point Management

  25.12 UAC Setup

  25.13 Client network optimization

  25.14 System Patches Installation

  25.15 Clear Windows 7 64bit Water Mark


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